Tag: integrations
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Integrations are the building blocks of AccidentalQuality's data flows and is how you see the data that has been collected and processed.
Integrations are the building blocks of AccidentalQuality's data flows and is how you see the data that has been collected and processed.
Currently AccidentalQuality only supports local (on premise) Jenkins pipelines, but will support cloud based (accessible) Jenkins servers in the...
Currently AccidentalQuality only supports local (on premise) Jira, but will support cloud based (accessible) Jira in the future.
Setting up an integration with Azure you can either login with OAuth and have a graphical interface to interact with, or insert the specific project...
Github functions as both pipelines (Github actions) and tasktracker (Github issues).
Cycle times for pipelines is one of the primary indicators of the state of your software tech debt, and growing pipeline times should be regarded...
The mantra fail fast from DevOps culture is about encouraging early failure modes to avoid sitting around waiting for feedback.
The idea of a pipeline is based on the Andon chord, which when pulled would indicate an issue with the quality of the manufactoring procss.
Bug count is a very traditional quality metric, and while it provides the least information about your quality level
The life cycle of a bug, its age, is indicative of a lot more than it might first appear.