# Generate reports

Leading a business is difficult, and it gets worse as it grows. You lose touch on why and what is problematic, and try to introduce policies and counter measures as time passes. Over time, leaders tend to rely on specific engineers to inform of them the state of affairs.

An unbiased data driven way scales better - this is where reporting shines. Generating reports that give you information on whether those policies and counter measures worked. Where there is staffing challenges, where throughput will deliver the next key business result.

And the best part? It does not take a person. Anyone can generate a report in AccidentalQuality. No more waiting for a specific person, or hiring a person full time to gather data and process business reports.

You find the report generator by navigating to dashboard - click the button in the buttom right.

You can then choose which integrations you wish to include in your report, and add your own comments and notes to the report before finalizing.

When you feel the report is finished and done it can be previewed and exported as pdf.